Life Sciences
Human beings as study objects; just one of the most fascinating forms of science. The body itself is an endless chain of chemical processes and reactions. Life Sciences studies these processes, records them and gathers knowledge. That knowledge is used for the development of supplements and medication. Not only human life, but all life around us consists of a chain of processes. The synergy with which life performs the processes is just amazing. And this science is actually based on biological aspects. And with a little help from the chemistry department more and more secrets are unravelled. The development of medicines and therapies that enrich our life is a significant part of this industry. With advanced techniques and ever innovating insights JSB is a true pioneer when it comes to delivering new methods. Many applications are due to the expertise of an HPLC analyst. Life Sciences and Chemical Analysis comprise a lot, but not everything Life Sciences has to offer by far.
Below you will find an overview of frequently delivered applications. If your application is not on the list, please contact us.
Application notes
- Analysing Tobacco with Pyrolysis-GC/MS
- Cannabidiol Oil Analysis with the Pyroprobe
- Quantative Cannabidiol Oil Analysis with the Pyroprobe
- The Advantages of Coupling GCxGC with QTOF Detection in MS/MS Mode
- The Advantages of Coupling GCxGC with QTOF Detection in MS/MS Mode
- Blood alcohol determination
- Residual solvent analysis of revised USP methodology in a fully compliant 21 CFR 11 headspace analyzer
- A toolbox of amino acids for out-of-the-box mAb separations
- Alternate selectivity for polar compounds in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC), using a new amino type HILIC Column
- Analysis of cationic polymers by Size Exclusion Chromatography with TSK-GEL® PWXL-CP
- Analysis of melamine and cyanuric acid in milk by LC-MS/MS
- Analysis of saccharides by hilic using TSKgel nh2-100 columns
- Analysis of water-soluble polymers using linear size exclusion hplc columns and a semi-micro sec system
- Characterisation studies of PEGylated lysozyme
- Characterizing biotherapeutics with HPLC smart solutions for large molecules
- Development of a high capacity mixed mode resin for high conductivity mAb feedstocks
- Direct analysis of biogenic amines in food by HILIC-MS
- Efficient sec-uv-ri-mals analysis of protein aggregates
- Fast analysis of igG charge heterogeneity by Ion Exchange Chromatography
- Glycosylation analysis by hydrophilic interaction chromatography (HILIC)
- High speed and resolution SEC analysis of mAbs using TSKgel SuperSW mAb columns
- HILIC-MS-High Resolution and Sensitivity for the Analysis of Very Polar Compounds
- HPLC Analysis of lysozyme in different types of wine
- Increased productivity for downstream processing of biotherapeutics
- MiniChrom for TOYOPEARL and TSKgel
- Mixed electrolytes in Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography
- Purification of oligonucleotides on TOYOPEARL GigaCap Q-650S
- Reversed phase analysis of antibody fragments
- Salt selectivity and tolerance Toyopearl MX-Trp-650M
- Separation of monoclonal immunoglobulin G and its aggregates using TOYOPEARL MX-Trp-650M
- TOYOPEARL AF-rProtein A HC-650F
- Toyopearl af-rprotein a-650f
- TOYOPEARL Butyl-600M
- TOYOPEARL GigaCap Series
- TOYOPEARL NH2-750F aggregate removal from monoclonal antibodies
- TOYOPEARL NH2-750F – salt tolerant anion exchange resin
- TOYOPEARL Phenyl-600M
- TOYOPEARL SuperButyl-550C
- ToyoScreen
- ToyoScreen Robocolumns
- TSKgel Butyl-NPR
- TSKgel g3000swxl columns for the reproducible analysis of mAbs and proteins
- TSKgel ods-140htp
- TSKgel Protein c4-300
- TSKgel Q-STAT and DNA-STAT Columns
- TSKgel SP-3PW
- TSKgel SP-STAT and CM-STAT Columns
- TSKgel SP-STAT and CM-STAT Columns
- TSKgel SuperSW mAb HTP/HR TSKgel UltraSW aggregate
- Use of hydrophobic interaction chromatography with a non-salt buffer system for improving process economics in purification of monoclonal antibodies